Was at Vanity on the 8th of February for a CNY pre party with the peeps, the best asian party I've ever been to so far! The crowd was great, most of my favourite hits playing and of course with the best bunch!
With Jasmine |
With Han Pin |
With Szen |
Amidst sleeping at 6am, woke up at 10am for our day trip to Cardiff for Festival of Diversity, a play by Malaysian students! It was also CNY eve and managed to skype with the family while they were having reunion dinner minus my presence :(
My subconsciously sad face. Lol |
Malaysia's One Direction? :P |
Having a caramel macchiato while sheltering from the rain |
With the bezz flatmate :P |
Did some shopping in St David's Square before heading to St. David's Hall for the play.
Bowled over by the violinist! |
Dikir barat |
The play was better than I imagined it to be! Mesmerizing performance and great vocal skills by the actors. Brought back good old memories in Interact days where we had our sketches too! :') Headed back to Bristol right away after the play ended.
Freshened up and had supper & gambling session over at Jia Xin's place to usher in the lunar new year! This time, in pounds sterling wahahaha. Managed to win about 20 pounds, for the first time in my life, not losing money! :B
CNY posts and my 21st up next!
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