Thursday, October 25, 2012

"Forever doesn't exist"

You once said forever doesn't exist, but you'd be there for my ups and downs. Distance wasn't a problem for you, you said that it all depends on whether the relationship is worth going on and people who're in LDR's manage to stay together because they have the heart to maintain it.

Guess they were all lies.

What breaks my heart the most is that everything was going fine and you said that you might be coming over, that 5am morning call before the split. Can't believe you can put up such a fake front when I've perceived you to be the gentlest guy I've ever met. I shouldn't have been so naive and held my expectations so high. And that I'm not worth a phone/skype call to be given an explanation as my last request. How could you be so heartless?

Sending you postcards whenever I visited pretty places, taking pictures while wishing you were next to me; I really was a fool. Till now I still I can't swallow it down that the man I loved, full of chivalry, is the same person that's so cruel to me after my tears and pleads.

Thought you were an angel sent down from heaven but I guess you're the same as those jerks. And thanks for being the first person for proving your quote right.

You would never know how I was feeling, pretending that nothing was wrong and trying to win you back again. But I guess nothing could change your mind.

"Just a week ago you were my baby , now I don't even know you at all"



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